First impressions matter. Set yourself apart with a premium image from our catalogue of over 300k+ images with Unsplash or upload your own.
Add as many or as few sections as needed to describe your services. Want to change it up? Easily re-order or re-name at any time.
Up-front price transparency is critical to a successful relationship. Add individual line items and we'll calculate the totals for you.
Once you've crafted your proposal sections, you can save them for later with the Library.
Re-order your sections however you’d like and format them to fit your needs with our slim WYSIWYG editor.
No need to guess what your proposal will look like when it reaches the hands of your client. Just tap “Preview” and take a peek.
We generate a unique link for your proposal that you can send directly to your clients. We’ll even let you know when they view it!
Stop the back and forth of printing, scanning and sending documents. With Lancelot, your client can view and approve your proposal online.
Have a logo? Upload it to Lancelot and include it in your proposals for an extra professional touch.
Both you and your client can generate a PDF of your finished proposal for printing or for digital record keeping.
Lancelot was designed to make it as easy as possible to create beautiful proposals.
Know exactly when your proposal has been viewed or accepted. We track everything by the minute to keep you up to date.
When sending a proposal, you can customize the message to suit your needs.
Whenever your proposal is viewed or accepted, we’ll email you with an update.
When your client is ready they can accept and sign your proposal online with an e-signature.
When sending a proposal, you can customize the message to suit your needs.